Sunday, October 17, 2010

SWEETS DECO Candy and Cases

Not much today. Just some new candy colors!
I tried using water colors intesad of acrylics this time. 
I like how they came out! Some are too dark though, and will not be as transparent.
I wish I had made more blue ones. I am out of Sukerukun and won't be back in Japan till January so I purchased a cheaper version off of a Japanese Etsy seller. I'll let you guys know how that product works!
These were a test! I added a silver mettalic paint. It has a nice, glittery, sparkle to it but also a slight grey hue now. Trial and error!

I'm also posting a few new cases to the shop now.

That's it for now! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

Ascension said...

Enhorabuena, has conseguido unos colores preciosos.
Las cajitas de corazones me encantan.
besitos ascension